Windchill Collaboration FACTOR!

The Windchill Collaboration Factor! transforms product knowledge into a significant enterprise business asset and makes it available to everyone in the extended enterprise. Using a powerful Web infrastructure, Windchill collects information from diverse sources, including proprietary and legacy systems, to create a master product representation. This ensures that all members of the supply chain have easy access to timely and accurate product information.

Windchill creates an inter-enterprise collaborative environment for the sharing and visualization of valuable product and process knowledge. For example, important legacy information, once locked away on mainframe systems, can now be accessed through a Web browser and used to make mission-critical decisions. Purchasing agents, who might be unfamiliar with CAD, can use their Web browser to identify, visualize, and markup models, providing engineers fast and accurate responses to inquiries. With the Windchill Collaboration Factor!, companies can deliver more innovative, customer-driven products to market faster, further advancing their competitive advantage.